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Blog about Coaching and Creativity

Band Set Up

Bringing Music into Coaching – Part 2

In a previous post we wrote about using music at the beginning of a coaching…

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Listening To Music Sketch

Hitting the right note – Bringing Music into Coaching Part1.

Opening a coaching session with some classical piano music gently playing in the background is…

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The Courage to be Creative (in coaching)…

Coaches love models. Most of the professional coach training we receive has a strong focus…

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Is there a perfect recipe for coaching?

For starters: What’s your (coaching) secret sauce?  What special ingredients do you mix into your…

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Let’s talk about shoes

In the ongoing exploration of bringing creativity and playfulness into our coaching practice we recently…

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Bringing the background into the foreground…

When coaching a client in an online video call, what do you notice? To be…

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Helping coaching clients choose where to go next.

When working with coaching clients on a 1-1 basis, we're always listening for opportunities to…

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The easiest coaching constellation exercise for professional coaches. Ever.

Sometimes coaching clients can get stuck internally. They're only thinking about the possibilities inside themselves.…

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